Upcoming Events
Playformance USPK Qualifier Competition!
Saturday, February 8th is for 7-13 year olds
Sunday, February 9th is for 14 - Adults
Register here. Registration closes the night of February 7th.
The schedule for each day is as follows:
9:55 am: Doors Open - Check-in / Warm-up
Welcome Speech and Rules Explanation
10:30 - Speed Event Begins
11:45 - 12:00 Speed Awards Ceremony
12:15 - Skill Event Begins
2:45 - 3:00 Skill Awards Ceremony
3:15 - Style Event Begins
4:45 -5:00 Style Awards Ceremony - Final Awards
Additional Info:
Spectator tickets are $5
Each competitor will receive one free spectator ticket
Those under 18 are free as spectators
Food trucks will be onsite
Hit Squad Ninja Gym Competition
Parents drive and return same day
Who: Development Team, Girls+ Team, and Travel Team invited
Register on the USPK Website: https://www.uspk.org/competition/2025/west-coast-region/
Women's Parkour Movement Gathering
See event details here: https://www.womensparkourmovement.org/2025-san-diego
Playformance students invite only
San Diego Competition and Camping Trip
Details coming soon! Stay tuned to email and GroupMe
Who: Travel and Girls+ Team
Caregiver Week! Families welcome to join classes
Join your parkour athlete in their classes and teams and play fun games and learn together. Siblings welcome!
Packing Day
Who: Travel Team
Bring all bags and items for our camping trip to Flagstaff. Bring ALL food donations to this event please!
Travel Team: Flagstaff Trip!
Who: Travel Team students
Spring Valley Cabin and Bunkhouse
Spring Parkour Picnic
Who: All enrolled parkour students (Itty Bitty, Youth level, Development Team, Travel and Girls+ Teams!) and their families join us for a coach led game time at the park. Location TBD
Competition Info Night
Parents of Girls+ and Travel team are welcome to join for this brief meeting to learn more about the Spring 2025 competition opportunities.
Both Travel Team and Girls+ Team will be led through an hour of Yoga with Christine. Practice starts at normal 7:00 and ends at 9:30 instead of 9:00. Yoga hour from 8:30-9:30.
San Diego Trip
Drive in vans
Parents checklist:
Meal sign up, 2-3 items per family. Here is the link.
Drop off food on Tuesday the 3rd
Pay for wetsuit rental here.
Meet at Playformance at 7:00 am and depart at 7:30 on Thursday the 5th
Arrive at South Carlsbad State Beach around 2-3 pm. Hang out at campground.
Friday the 6th - Head into town to do some parkour
Saturday the 7th- Rent wetsuits and have a fun day in the water
Sunday the 8th - Pack up camp early and head back to Tucson, aiming to be back around 2-5 pm.
Coaches: Cole, Anna, Austin
World Chase Tag (WCT) competition
Younger athletes in the morning, older athletes in the afternoon
No morning practice
Both Travel Team and Girls+ Team will be led through an hour of Yoga with Christine. Practice starts at normal 7:00 and ends at 9:30 instead of 9:00. Yoga hour from 8:30-9:30.
Sedona Trip
Parents checklist:
Meal sign up, 2-3 items per family. Link is here.
Drop off food on Thursday the 7th
Meet at Playformance at 8:00 am and depart at 8:30 on the 9th
Arrive at campground around noon
After setting up camp head into town to hike Bell Rock
Expect a hard hike on Sunday, optional for parents
Depart from Campground at 11 on Monday, return to Tucson 3-5 pm
Coaches: Cole, Anna, Austin
Parent drivers: Anne, Amron, Deborah, Hans, Luis, Margie, Paul, Tal.
Pancake Day + Sewing
Practice ends at 11:30
The Team cooks a meal together and practices cleaning up
Bring bags to stitch on patches
Haunted House (Final setup and Run)
Girls+ Team and Travel Team set up a haunted house throughout the entire basement and are the scarers of the event. 60 younger kiddos come into the facility to play and see the basement.
Meet at 8 am and set up until 12 pm. Take a two-hour break at noon and return at 2 pm to work until 8:30 pm.
Fundraiser for the Teams
Yoga (Canceled)
Both Travel Team and Girls+ Team will be led through an hour of Yoga with Christine. Practice starts at normal 7:00 and ends at 9:30 instead of 9:00. Yoga hour from 8:30-9:30.
Parents Day
Parents are invited to come along for class and see what we get up to. Welcome to join in on games and challenges or hang out and watch.
Time: 4:30-6:30 pm
Meet at Brandi Fenton Splash Pad
Open to all members of our parkour programs. (ages from 3-18)
Bring a blanket and snacks. Hang out and watch your kiddos play!
Both Travel Team and Girls+ Team will be led through an hour of Yoga with Christine. Practice starts at normal 7:00 and ends at 9:30 instead of 9:00. Yoga hour from 8:30-9:30.
All Team Hike
Development, Girls+, and Travel Team Hike.
Parents dropoff and pickup
Meet at Marshall Gulch at the top of Mount Lemon. Head straight up General Hitchcock Highway, staying straight through Summer Haven until the road ends at the roundabout. Pickup and drop off will be there.
Meet at 7:45, start the hike at 8:00. Pickup at 2:00 pm.
Development Team head back early for 12:00 pickup
Two liters of water per kiddo
Backpack or even better, camelback.
Two lunches and ample snacks
Pancake Day
Practice ends at 10:30 instead of 9:00
Make pancakes together, hang out, practice cleaning dishes.
Team Try-Outs
Join us for try-outs for our Girls and Travel Teams!
Athletes must be 12 by start of classes to try out for the teams.
Students will be assessed on their coachability, interest and abilities in parkour, and demeanor towards team mates. Prior parkour skills are not required nor is this try out based on physical abilities.
Advance registration for try-out is required. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER
This is a positive event designed to help coaches place students on the correct team and to assist current skills. Try-outs are a drop-off event and parents and caregivers are welcome to wait on the porch if needed. Space limited in teams and try-outs to not guarantee team placement.
Fall Registration Opens!
Fall 2024 Parkour classes open for registration at 8am on 7/15! Semester begins at the end of August. Please see individual classes for specific details and for your team or class.
Both Teams: End of Year Pool Party
Let’s celebrate the end of our semester of hard work.
Who: All Travel Team and Girls Team athletes and their families. Bring a swimsuit!
What: We will be giving out awards for this last year. Travel team will recieve their custom bags. A great chance for kiddos to say goodbye before the summer. Fingers crossed the Girls Team and Travel Team finish their parkour videos and we can premeir them!
When: 4:00-7:00 it will be hot, plan to jump in the pool!
Where: Catalina Terrace - 2440 E. Hedrick Drive, Tucson, AZ. 85719
All athletes: Playformance Parkour Glow Picnic!
Join us for our bi-annual family picnic…this time with glow theme! Exact detail to come. Stay tuned
Who: ALL parkour athletes, Itty Bitty through Teams, and their families
Where: Himmel Park
Bring: Glow sticks, picnic blanket and/or chairs, and picnic dinner for your family
All athletes: Spring Parkour Competition
Time and details TBD but Save the Date! All athletes from Travel Team and Girls Team are expected to participate in some way.
Skill and Speed competition.
Both Teams: Bigs and Littles day
Team members will join our Itty Bitty classes as mentors and role models. Drop off at 4:00 and pickup at 5:45.
Girls Team: Camping Trip
Itinerary as follows:
Tuesday 9: Packing Day! Normal class time, 4:30-6:00pm. Athletes please bring everything to Playformance, including clothes, toiletries, and sleeping bag. This should all fit in one medium duffel bag.
Thursday 11: Parent food-donation drop off at Playformance from 2:30-4:30pm.
Friday 12: Girls Team meet at Playformance 8:00am, leave in group van at 8:30am
- Drive up Mt. Lemmon
- Stop for a hike and sack lunch
- Check-in at Showers Point Campground 2:00pm
- Games and dinner
Saturday 13:
- Adventure day: Hiking, games and exploration on Mt. Lemmon.
Sunday 14:
- Pack-up camp
- Check-out 10:30am
- Mini-adventure on way down
- Pick-up at Playformance 3:00pm
Transportation: Van
Coaches: Anna, Jakelynn, Lorcan (maybe)
Girls Team: Packing Day
Athletes should bring their packed bags in preparation for our camping trip. Please stay tuned to GroupMe for specifics
Travel Team: Cochise Stronghold Glamping
Parents to do: Meal sign up - 2-3 items each, Sign up for trip
Sign up on website pay what you can $0, $25, $50
Drop off food on Thursday class on the 4th
Packing List: Here
Meal Sign up: Here
Meet at Playformance at 8:30 am, leave by 9:00. Head south to Bisbee and eat lunch.
Check in at Shaw house at 2:00 pm.
Saturday: Either bouldering or larger hike. Please plan for large hike.
Sunday: Pack up and head home. Weather permitting, stop at Wilcox Dry Lake. Aiming to be back at 3-6 pm.
Girls Team: Hike Gordon Hirabayashi
Drop-off is at 7:00am, on Mt. Lemmon at Lower Green Mountain Trailhead.
Pick-up is at 1:30pm, on Mt. Lemmon at Gordon Hirabayashi Campground.
Thanks for setting up carpooling on GroupMe!
This hike will include around 5 miles of walking, and extra exploring, with variable sun exposure. It is super important that all athletes bring and wear appropriate shoes, sunscreen, sun hat, and long-sleeved sun protection shirt. Also water, 4 bottles minimum!
Athletes are responsible for packing their own hiking backpacks; athletes, please pack/ wear:
- Close toed shoes
- Sunscreen and wide brimmed hat
- Long sleeve sun protection shirt
- Backpack with:
- Water (2-3 liters or 4+ bottles)
- Snacks (trail-mix, fruit, etc)
- Lunch (Sandwich, etc)
A note that cell service is spotty on the mountain, so please plan accordingly. Coach Anna and I will have walkie-talkies while hiking.
Both Teams: Bigs and Littles day
Team members will join our Itty Bitty classes as mentors and role models. Drop off at 4:00 and pickup at 5:45.
Travel Team: Joshua Tree Camping Trip
Parents to do: Meal Sign up, Sign up for trip
Pay what you can $75, $50, $25, $0.
Meal Sign up - Please sign up for 2-3 food items and list tents and chairs you are willing to loan
Packing List - Packing Day is Tuesday the 27th
Meet at Playformance at 8:30 am, Depart By 9:00 in Van
Check into Cotton Wood Campground sites A20, A21 and A23
Setup camp and go on a walk in the wash directly east of camp.
Friday: Head into park and scramble up sites like Cap Rock and Skull Rock. Time and energy permitting, watch the sunset from Keys View or try again on Saturday.
Saturday: Boy Scout Trail out and back 8 mile hike, boulder during lunch.
Sunday: Pack up early and head to Salton Sea Via Box Canyon Road. Weather and time permitting, explore the Mecca Hills Wilderness, specifically Ladder Canyon Trail. Head home, arriving 6-9 pm.
Coaches: Cole, Austin, Anna.
Both Teams: Bigs and Littles day
Team members will join our Itty Bitty classes as mentors and role models. Drop off at 4:00 and pickup at 5:45. Must RSVP.
Travel Team: Picacho Peak Hike
What: Fun and challenging hike at Picacho Peak State Park. Meet at Sunset Vista Trailhead at 10am. Lead by Coach Cole and Coach Austin.
Bring: Hiking backpack, 2-3 liters of water, big sack lunch and lots of snacks.
Wear: Closed toed shoes, hiking clothes, sunscreen, sun hat.
Transportation: Need parent drivers.
Girls Team: Westside Hike
What: A fun and challenging team building hike for our Girls Team with Coach Jakelynn and Coach Anna
Bring: Hiking backpack, 2-3 liters of water, sack lunch, and lots of snacks.
Wear: Closed toed shoes, layers for warmth, sun hat, sunscreen.
Transportation: Parents meet with kids at trailhead at 7am
Please follow GroupMe for details and RSVP
(TT) SPF Parkour Competition
Register with SPF here
Taking a ride in the van? Pay for it here.
Meet at 11:30 at Playformance
Leave at 11:45 heading to SPF Parkour Academy
2:00 Check-In begins for 12-15 year olds
2:30 Freestyle start
3:30 Speed start
4:30 16 plus start
7:00 Finish
10:00 Arrive back at Playformance